Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences
ContentsVOLUME 18, ISSUE 2, December 2018, PAGES 197-261
1. | Regression model of the licensure examination performance of electronics engineering graduates in a state college in the Philippines Harold Jan R. Terano |
197-204 |
2. | A new class of operator ideals on the block sequence space l_p(E) Pinar Zengin Alp and Emrah Evren Kara |
205-217 |
3. | Enrichment of ECG quality using independent component analysis for dynamic scenario by eliminating EMG artifacts S. Palanivel Rajan |
219-237 |
4. | Solving multi-objective transportation problems with fuzzy objective functions coefficients using relations between intervals and a-cut set of a fuzzy number Abouzar Sheikhi and Sayed Mehdi Karbassi |
239-252 |
5. | Flood frequency model for the center of Chi river basin in Thailand Nipaporn Chutiman and Piyapatr Busababodhin |
253-261 |