Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences
ContentsVOLUME 17, ISSUE 9, July 2018, PAGES 579-627
1. | The mathematical analysis of a ranking on weighted food webs Kohei Murata and Morimasa Tsuchiya |
579-589 |
2. | Much of a muchness: classification of symmetry as a problem solving heuristic Hossein Kasiri and Mohammad Davoud Talebzadeh |
591-605 |
3. | Dominator chromatic number of beta, alpha product of some graphs R. Kalaivani and D. Vijayalakshmi |
607-615 |
4. | Some applications of the generalized hyperharmonic numbers of order r, H^r_n(alpha) Neşe Ömür and Gizem Bilgin |
617-627 |